Sunday, August 26, 2012

Never Wanna Grow Up

“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible." - Johnny Depp

My husband Nic always calls me his little girl and says that I will always be his little girl. I find this as one of my greatest achievements in our relationship. I love that he calls me this because sometimes as adults we forget that it's OK to play! It's OK to be vulnerable, and to dream, and to laugh until you cry, and it's OK to not assume the worst of others! 

The Savior himself said to " becometh as a jchildksubmissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." - Mosiah 3:19

Now in no way am I perfect at this. I still let greed, stress, and weakness overcome me sometimes, but I love that one of my qualities is being a little bit childlike. For one it always keeps mine and Nic's relationship in a happy place! We love to chase each other around the house, dance around the kitchen, and do things that we haven't done since we were kids. Because sometimes... you just need to be a kid again! Sometimes a relationship just needs a little bit (or a lot) of fun!

This weekend was great! To live up to our childlike selves Nic and I decided to build a fort in our living room! 

It was soo fun cause we both had different techniques of how to build a fort and we discovered that by combining some of those techniques we had a pretty rockin' hut!! That's kind of how a marriage is. Two people are raised in different homes and in different ways, then you have to come together and see what you can combine for your very own perfect marriage! 

Now Nic and I could have made this a bad experience fighting over which way the fort should be built. It's exactly the same in a marriage. You can nag and fight just because you want your way, when in actuality you might be missing a more productive way to have a successful marriage! 

Sorry to go off on that tangent, but after all it is Sunday, and we are all trying to improve right? Especially me!

So yes! Building our fort was a blast! Here are some more pictures!

Nic in front of the fort! (Don't worry... you'll hardly see him smile in photos... He's not always as excited to make a Kodak moment as I am)

Me in front of the fort! (See I love the camera WAY more than Nic does!) 

Us getting ready to watch "Warrior" in our fort! (Good movie!)

I'm so thankful for my amazing husband and for loving me for my crazy, childlike self! The whole time we were engaged I asked him if he knew what he was getting himself into, and for some reason he still decided to go through with it! I'm so glad he did! 

Thank you so much to our friends and family for supporting us! 

The Bibeaus!

P.S. Nic has been singing to me this entire time... our new motto should be "Weird Name, Weird Family"
 and again I apologize for making this one of those "life lesson" posts!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

One Month Down, Eternity to Go!

This has been a whirl wind of a year! Just 7 months ago I started dating what turned out to be the love of my life! We've been married for a month now and it has been a blast! It seems like it's been longer than a month, but I guess the calendar doesn't lie. We got our new apt which is so nice because now I can put my stuff where I want, and know where all of my clothes are. ;) The only down side is that I feel that there is always cleaning to do! I do the dishes, turn around for 2 min, and there are more dishes! It's mostly because I'm trying to make meals from scratch these days so I guess it's worth it. Nic and I have loved opening our gifts and finding ways to use them! I wish I could say I had a favorite, but they've all been so useful!

The other weird thing is waking up to a man every morning, I was not used to that idea at first, but it's awesome to wake up to my best friend drooling every night :) Just kidding... he's pretty good about that!

So here are some things we've done this month!
We got married! *Special thank you to Shane and Cherise Cragun for letting us use their backyard. It was PERFECT!!!
We went on a wonderful honeymoon to Las Vegas for a week! My favorite part was probably going to see "The Phantom of the Opera" before they closed it down. Nic surprised me with tickets the morning of! *Special thanks to Nic's dad Tom for the honeymoon gift!
 Someone from the ward "doorbell ditched" us and left a guitar as a "Welcome to the Ward" gift! Nic and I don't play the guitar, but it definitely made our night!


So Nic and I occasionally will do cute things for each other. One of my favorites was when I had to work on a Saturday so Nic picked me up and we went to dinner at Tucano's. Then I came home to a spotless house and flowers on the table. I LOVE flowers so this completely made my day!

Something fun I did for Nic was when he was at work, I went and got a bunch of little squirt guns at the grocery store. I filled the guns with water and made a sign saying "This means WAR!" I left two guns out for him and kept two for myself. When I heard him unlocking the door I hid in the bathroom and he came running down the hall! He found me and we had the best water fight! Nic got disqualified though cause he got a squirt bottle... so really I won ;) It was so great and worth the mopping up afterwards!

One more thing was Nic turned 23!! We celebrated his birthday at California Pizza Kitchen! I had never been there before and it was so yummy! Then when we got home I gave Nic his present which was a pair of black and gray basketball shorts. Nic wears them all the time so I think I did a good job! :)

So that is part of our first month together! It's been so exciting learning about one another, and growing together as a family! I'm so excited for the rest of eternity!

I'm also so excited to start blogging! *Leave a comment if you want me to blog about something specific (i.e. How we met or How he proposed) Also, if you have a blog be sure and let me know how to follow you!

The Bibeau's

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Blog

Hi y'all! So now that I'm married and excited stuff is going to be happening (hopefully), I decided to start a blog! My friend Kristen at work showed me hers and I fell in love! Hopefully as I get more into it I can make mine as pretty as hers and eventually start other blogs like Beauty/Fashion, Recipes, Crafts, and so forth! Stay tuned! Hopefully I can make this a big deal!