Friday, January 4, 2013

Merry Christmas to All!!

So I've been lacking a little lately! That's mostly because we haven't had internet in our NEW HOME!!! Shortly before X-mas Nic and I moved OUT of Utah to Mesa, Arizona.

Before I talk about Mesa though I just want to give a shout out to my best friend Mrs. Wursten! Haha. One of my best friends got married on 12/12/12 to an awesome guy! They were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple. It was a wonderful ceremony and a fantastic day!

      Michelle and Nate's wedding reception was so great! They had hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls!

                                         Nic and I waiting for the couple outside of the Temple!

We did have some time before we left to visit with some friends and family!

 One weekend we had my sister, Shiloh's kids over for some great fun! Toddlers are certainly a handful! It was a blast though! We bought them toys, played on the playground, and made a gingerbread house! I love my bugs! I surely miss them!

After Nic's last week of school, I surprised him with 'The Hobbit' tickets, and then we met with our good friends Jayde and Caroline to go up to Salt Lake City. Here are Nic and I at the City Center Mall.

                                                            Nic and I at the temple lights!

The day before we left I got to spend time with this little guy! Easton is so big! I definitely miss this baby face!

Then it was off to ARIZONA!!! A big thanks to Nic's dad for helping us move everything in the snowy weather.

Nic's family met up with us at our new place for the holidays! My mother-in-law, Lezlie, was a huge help in putting the house together, and since we now live on a higher floor we were extremely thankful for Nic's dad and brother! Here are a few pics of the new house!

It's exciting having a home where I can put pictures up and make it all pretty! Mesa is a great city! Everything is close to us and Nic's boss (who is also Lezlie's cousin) and his family have been extremely awesome since they're like the only people we really know down here.

Christmas was great as well! The only pictures I have is of our Christmas spot...

We didn't really decorate much for Christmas except for our Christmas spot! (Thanks Lezlie for getting us stockings!) We were spoiled for Christmas! My Aunt Cristy and Uncle Vern got us a white house ornament! They're kind of a tradition in our family! Once your married Aunt Cristy will give your family an ornament from the White House! Well since I'm married I get to join in the fun! Also, we got dishes, a coffee table, some gift cards, Nic got me a white and gold watch, and I got him a new game controller. On Christmas day we went to see Les Miserables!! Good movie!!! Even Nic liked it!

Now Nic is working at his job, which is long, but he likes it, and I am starting beauty school this Monday!! I'm excited to start doing what I love!

One more shout out to my friend Trevor who just got home Jan. 2 from his mission in Texas!

Welp! That's about it! hopefully I can update something exciting soon!

The Bibeaus!

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